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Summer Christmas Story – RiRock Road trip with Lowriders Rental

It has been a while since our last post and what better then some warm adventures to anticipate the Summer vibes...Pura Vida 💚
Last Christmas we teamed up with the Lowriders Rental and it was really great to start making plans for the summer under a warm blanket, especially if you are not a winter kind of person.
Four days of road tripping in a climber's head instantly transforms into rock tripping :). Finally, the days grew longer and the smell of Miss Spring was enchanting our troubled minds. Soon.
We made no special plans. We 'll just hit one of the most beautiful coastal roads in the world, the Adriatic highway and go were the Sun is. A great chance to recall the beauty of each twist and turn. As many have said: ..." it has to be seen to be believed".
It is been a while doe. Motorways are handy and it is cool to reach Split in 3 and a half hours (driving from Rijeka). But motorways kill romance, and we were definitely after romance this time.
My special part of the Adriatic highway is beyond doubt the Senj -Paklenica sequence. A super harsh, sharp-witted, wayward and rough kind of beauty shaped by the majestic Mr. favorite wind Bura. I could write quite a lot about the impressive northern-east oriented force of nature blowing in gust s at 248 km/h (highest measured record at Maslenica Bridge) but let's keep it for another story.
As I was in my special mood enjoying the coves, Frenky already drove us to Paklenica and Marin ( the son of the famous Dinko from Dinko's Restaurant-the climbers must place in Paklenica) was already carrying the refreshments and the easy-going-hundred plans climbers talk already took hold. Paklenica is really a special place for every climber. Besides all the options you have to sport climb, boulder or multi-pitch, meet friends you don't see often, it is a magnificent must-place to visit. Again, a very individual harsh environment geomorphological phenomena, abundant in indigenous, widely diverse intact flora and fauna and attractive landscapes. Croatian largest mountain Velebit has two National parks, Paklenica is one of them.
We stayed for the day...but the south and the Unbearable Lightness of Being were calling. Destination-land of pirates and one of the most impressive canyons you 'll get to see, the Cetina canyon. You can smell the pirate's rebellion in each silent stone reminder of their proud and power of the ancient Almissa, today's Omiš. Mara was especially overjoyed to be in a pirate city and was constantly asking too many questions (too many 'cause we didn't have all the answers and our friend, the Poljica Duke of Gata was out of town ). Once she finally forgot the pirates, at least for a while, we met one on our way to the bakery and we were done. :)
The crags in the Cetina canyon are perfect for climbers with kids. Easy access (our handsome mini Van at hand reach from the crag), a wide range of routes, a lot of climbers with kids ;) :), morning swims in the river, good night swims in the sea (or the other way around if you prefer) and best breakfast by the river ever. Our mornings were green. We were energized.
We made around 800 km in four days, didn't pass 80 km speed and yet, had the sensation of making mind shifting venture, As one famous climber trainer once said..."It all in your head..." and we'll hit the road again.
More About our Summer Christmas story:

And of course, some pics... worth some thousand words more...
Her Majesty - our amazing Paklenica with so many individualities that you can spend a lifetime exploring in all her-possible ways.

Adriatic highway...better see it to believe it, one of the most beautiful coastal roads of the world. 

Evening plays.

Bless your Mornings...especially the Green ones.

Cetina River, drinkable from it's source to its estuary.

Entering the Pirate's land, Cetina Kanjon.

Hello Miss Summer! - self-portrait

Minibeast chillin' in the Dalmatian elegant surroundings

On the Adriatic Highway between Paklenica and Maslenica Bridge.

Lunch overlooking the lowest and smallest inhabited island of Croatia, Krapanj (Its highest altitude does not exceed 1.25 m) - priceless.

Roadtripping...just hit the road with your climber's guide..the rest will follow.

Sunsets at the most beautiful road - Jadranska magistrala.



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