"...who follows his own dispensing happiness to people whatever their merits." (Nausicaa to Odysseus. Homer, Odyssey 6.189). Smjer inspiriran ni manje ni više...Homerovom Odisejom popeli su u nedjelju Gogo i Vit-torio...uz viku i aplauze neuobičajene gužve u Knezgradu, napokon smo ga i mi okupirali... Lovran x 2 , Rijeka x 6, Pazin x 3, pomladak x 2 + kućni ljubimac x 1... 7c iL je Goethe il je Joyce il je Manga il je Star trek Bilo kako bilo...Remember Nausicaa... "Good luck my friend...and I hope that when you are in your own country you will remember me at times, since it is to me before all others that you owe your life." (Nausicaa to Odysseus . Homer, Odyssey 8.461). "I will never fail to worship you all the rest of my days. For it was you lady, who gave me back my life." (Odysseus to Nausicaa. Homer, Odyssey 8466). Navodno Odisej svoj Penelopi nikada nije spomenuo ovu avanturicu na otoku Skeriji. Navodno je postala ženom njegova si...